Ultra is one of my favorite sunglasses brands by far. Ultra Sunglasses is a family owned business that has been around since the late 1970's. The quality and design of their sunglasses has never been beat. Vintage Ultra Sunglasses have been best known for their size. With models all having extreme presence on ones face, you can spot a Vintage Ultra Frame from miles away! A HUGE shipment of Vintage Ultra Sunglasses has arrived at The Vintage Frames Shop. One of my favorite models is the Vintage Ultra M1404 Sunglasses. The Vintage Ultra M1404 Sunglasses in my opinion are one of the most timeless aviator frames ever made! The quality of the Vintage Ultra M1404 Sunglasses is bananas! We have a very limited amount of the Vintage Ultra M1404 Sunglasses available at The Vintage Frames Shop. Head over and check them out!