I'm pretty sure I can speak for all of us when I say at one point in our youth we had a ridiculous notion of our future. Some of us wanted to be superheroes, some of us wanted to fly, some of us even wanted to be cartoons. Myself, I wanted to be Robocop and wear a powerglove. Fast forward about 20 years I may not be Robocop, but I do wear the glove. I had dreams of traveling across the USA just like "The Wiz" trying to accomplish something that was important to me, but maybe silly to others. I had dreams of pulling a crew with me to fight for this dream. Again fast forwarding 20 years, I have just finished traveling across the USA with my team and I'm sitting in my hotel room staring out over Los Angeles and yes, I'm wearing a powerglove. So what's my point? My point is that nothing is ridiculous if you believe in it. Nothing is unheard of if it makes sense to you! It doesn't matter about what people think you can or can't do, dreams come from within and are catered only to the creator of them. It's #thursday and I guess there ain't a nice way to tell all your haters, but it's game over! Think back to when you were a child and what ridiculous things you wanted to do. You may not want to actually try to fly but remember the happiness that feeling and possibility brought to you. Try to harness an aspect of that and bring it into your present life. It's never to late to live your dream and NEVER forget, there is a little super hero in all of us. #morninginspiration #vintageframes