From The Desk Of Dr. Shapiro: "Mood Board"

From The Desk Of Dr. Shapiro: "Mood Board"

My friends who have known me for years can't believe I take the time to write these everyday. Obviously, they don't really know me. Karma and helping others is as important to me as capital gain and success. The amount of content I have to come up with on a daily basis is bonkers! From creative campaigns, new products, even morning inspirations, everything requires a creative thought process. A frequent question I am asked is: what inspires me!?! Every week I make a mood board. It is a creative collage of what direction I want to head in that week. It can be as direct or abstract as it turns out to be! There are no rules, just freedom. The key to a direction is having a starting point, and somewhat of a destination. How we organize ourselves to get there comes as time passes. The biggest waste of time is just being an idea guy. So many people have ideas, but so little people execute them. It is the execution that becomes reality, not the fantasy of what could be. There is nothing wrong with labeling yourself as an "idea guy" as long as you realize you need to do something about the follow through. Even the most successful of businessmen are scatter brains. It is the ones that are honest enough with themselves about their downfall that can quickly address it and work their way around it. It's #monday and this mood board depicts where I am fucking headed this week! Labeling our weaknesses is even more important then exploiting our strengths. It is the wise that know they aren't perfect, and the ignorant that believe that they are! The first step of progression is too address our faults. There is no sense in back stepping as productivity goes hand and hand with forward motion. Wether that requires to do lists, chicken scratches on napkins, or mildly insane mood boards, we all work different! If you think you are great, ok. If you know you can do better, you are already ahead of the game.#morninginspiration #vintageframes

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